Grading Scale
10 - Pristine:
Image must be centered within a tolerance not to exceed approximately 55/45 to 60/40 front and 75/25 percent on the back, crisp focus, sharp corners, free of stains, and no visible wear. A slight print spot or print line visible under close inspection is allowed as long as it does not detract from the aesthetics of the card
9.5 - Gem Mint:
Image must be approximately 60/40 to 65/35 front and 90/10 percent on the back, sharp focus, sharp corners, very light stains, and no visible wear. Slight print spots or print lines visible under close inspection is allowed as long as it does not detract from the aesthetics of the card
9 - Mint:
A card that at first glance appears to be Gem Mint 9.5 but upon close examination it may have some additional tiny flaw(s) that keeps it from grading Gem Mint
8.5 - Near Mint (NM-MT):
Image must be approximately 65/35 to 70/30 front and 90/10 percent on the back, sharp focus, and sharp corners. Minor flaws may exist upon close examination. Minor flaws may be, but is not limited to: a slight nick to corner, small surface scratch, a minor print line or minor refractor line, or a minor focus or color imperfection
8 - Near Mint - (NM-MT -):
A card that at first glance appears to be Near Mint 8.5 but upon close examination it may have some additional flaws that keeps it from grading Near Mint
7.5 - Excellent Mint (EX-MT):
Image must be approximately 70/30 to 75/25 front and 90/10 percent on the back, corners sharp to the naked eye, but may exhibit slight wear under closer examination. A few small flaws may exist upon close examination. A small flaw may be but is not limited to: minor wear on corner, a gloss break or surface scratch, a print line or refractor line, or a focus or color imperfection
7 - Excellent:
A card that at first glance appears to be Excellent Mint 7.5 but upon close inspection it may have some additional flaws that keeps it from grading Excellent Mint
***Any card graded below a 7 will not get slabbed and will be returned OR (if requested) will be slabbed with NO GRADES provided***
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